York Road
Properties for Sale

MESSRS. HEPPER and SONS are instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, at the TALBOT HOTEL, Malton at 3 for 4 o'clock p.m. precisely, on THURSDAY, May 25th, subject to conditions to be then produced:-


Known as "The Brows," in the occupation of Mrs. Burtt, and situate adjoining the York Road, Malton, looking from an elevated terrace southwards over the River Derwent and a wide stretch of pleasant country.

The property contains about 2 1/2 acres, and is leasehold for a term of 99 years from April 6th, 1847, subject to an annual ground rent of £12.

The Residence is commodious, substantial, and very comfortable, and is built upon the lime stone. Its grounds are picturesque, arranged in terraces intersected by admirably planned walks and shaded with lime timber and shrubs.

The Vinery, Greenhouses, Conservatory, and Fernery are in excellent order, and easily and inexpensively managed.

The Carriage House and Two-stall Stable and other Outbuildings are conveniently placed and partly concealed from view.

Being within 10 minutes' walk of the Railway Station, within easy reach of York and Scarborough, and in good hunting country, it offers many attractions to a gentleman having business connections with the West Riding, who is desirous of owning and occupying a Residential Property of an attractive character in a locality offering some of the conveniences of a town, with simple enjoyment of the pleasures of the country.

For leave to view apply at the House, or to the AUCTIONEERS, East Parade, Leeds (at whose offices views of the property may be seen); or to

Messrs. SCRATCHERD and HOPKINS, Solicitors, Albion Street, Leeds

Yorkshire Gazette, 13 May 1893

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