Properties for Sale

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION by Messrs. Boulton and Cooper, at their Estate Sale Rooms in Yorkersgate, Malton, on TUESDAY, the 22nd day of SEPTEMBER, 1914, at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon precisely (subject to the General Conditions of Sale of the Yorkshire Law Society and to such Special conditions as shall then and there be produced and read). All that very desirable RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Situate in Greengate, in Malton, in the county of York, known as “Greengate House” formerly in the occupation of the late Mr. Richard Snow, together with the adjacent DWELLING HOUSE Known as "Hill Side Cottage," now in the occupation of Mrs. Smithson, and the range of Stabling, consisting of Stable, Loose Box and Standing, with Saddle room, Coach-house, Hay-loft, and large Yard. "Greengate House" contains a large hall, Two Staircases, Three Reception Rooms, Kitchen, Scullery and Pantry, Seven Large Bedrooms, Bathroom, and w.c. There is a large and charming well-stocked Garden at the back, with Greenhouse, heated by up-to- date apparatus. "Hill Side Cottage" contains Two Reception Rooms, Kitchen, and Pantry and Outhouses, Four Bedrooms, and Box Room. The Venetian Blinds and Gas-fittings to be taken by the purchaser at a valuation to be made by the Auctioneers. For further information, apply to the Auctioneers, or to JOHN ESTILL

Solicitor, Malton

Yorkshire Gazette, 5 September 1914

Police News

At the Town-hall, Malton, on Saturday ... ... Sarah Williamson was charged with assaulting Sarah Atkinson, on 14th ult., and Hannah Dunhill was charged with assaulting Elizabeth Hudson. All the four above named persons are of Malton, and the Bench ordered them all to be bound over to keep the peace for six months. The course pursued in these cases will, no doubt, prove very beneficial in checking the riotous proceedings of persons in this class of society. The parties who appear in these cases are, as a general rule, from the neighbourhood of Greengate, Victoria-square, and other low places, and, in nine cases out of ten, the complainant is as much to blame as the defendant.

Yorkshire Gazette 7 March 1863

Ryder's Square

At Malton Police Court in July 1866, Mary Allen, a widow residing in Ryder's Square was charged with violent assault on Thomas Ruddock. The bench inquired into the character of the neighbourhood in which she lived. The response was that the properties were very degraded and abandoned. The bench requested communication be made to the owner of the property, 'and if no change for the better took place, some of the houses in that neighbourhood must be indicted at the next quarter sessions' [1] In 1899, the Nuisance Inspector reported that nine cases of overcrowding of houses in Ryder's Square, belonging to the Estate, had been remedied by 'systematically turning out the occupiers' [2]

  • [1] York Herald, 21 July 1866
  • [2] York Herald, 3 June 1899
Greengate House

Likely built in the 1800s. John Walker, a brewer and corn factor, occupied the property as shown in the 1851 census. By 1861 he had been widowed and his son, vicar of Old Malton, was living with him. By the 1871 census a younger John Walker, possibly a nephew is living at Greengate House and described as a Brewer & Corn Miller employing 30 men. This imposing house is where Charles Dickens visited his brother Alfred who was the engineer during the construction of the York to Scarborough railway.

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